Introduction to Vajra Vidya Retreat Center
Video footage of the teachers, the lineage, the retreat center, and the land
Viewing Time: 13:23 Minutes

Vajra Vidya Retreat Center
a Sacred Space of primordial purity and spontaneous presence
Vajra Vidya means “Indestructible Heart Wisdom” or “Diamond Knowledge” - the ever flowing clear awake stillness of the natural state; and also affectionately refers to the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, the previous spiritual leader of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He personally visited Crestone and declared a prophecy of Crestone as a place to preserve the Dharma, practice sincerely and where many would attain realization as great Siddhas or beings of compassionate spiritual power.
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; Tulku Urgyen; Thrangu Rinpoche; Tsoknyi Rinpoche; Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and many other masters from various traditions have come here, conducted ceremony and echoed this declaration. Thrangu Rinpoche chose the site and established Vajra Vidya Retreat Center to support this intention.
With the wish to free all beings from the stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death may your time at Vajra Vidya Retreat Center allow your mind to rest uncontrived in the Heart of True Nature.

The Shrine Room at Vajra Vidya Center
Our Shrine Room
The Retreat Center Shrine Room holds a palpable stream of spiritual blessings flowing from the ancient Karma Kagyu and Nyingma practice lineages of Buddhism.
The uplifting environment offers a rare and precious atmosphere which contains an 8 ft central statue of Shakyamuni Buddha; 21 forms of Tara; 8 Medicine Buddha statues and 1,000 statues representing Buddhas yet to come.
This sacred space holds all the necessary elements for deep meditation practice and transmits devotional energies of the many ceremonies, daily meditations, prayers and teaching given here over the years.
Vajra Vidya conducts it’s activities in the spirit of “Rim’e” or “non- sectarian” universal Buddhist studies. Practitioners from all faiths and lineages benefit from the Center.
DAILY MEDITATION: All are welcome to attend our morning meditations Tuesday - Sunday (excluding Monday) from 8:45-10:30 am which include traditional aspiration prayers and quiet sitting.

Our Rinpoche
Thrangu Rinpoche is the open-hearted embodiment of joy, kindness and dedication he shares with others. He established Vajra Vidya Retreat Center as an authentic practice center for those in the West seeking to know their own true nature. He has vast knowledge of the Dharma and his skills as a teacher are renowned. He is a recognized master of Mahamudra Meditation and personal tutor for His Holiness the 17th Karmapa.
He works tirelessly around the globe to promote the values of peace, dignity, self-realization and service to humanity. We have been extremely fortunate to host Thrangu Rinpoche’s many teachings and empowerments at V.V.R.C.
Guidance and Study
For your practice and study, the Vajra Vidya Retreat Center is a modern retreat center with a 35 acre campus. Explore both inner and outer nature in a beautiful setting. You are invited to do retreats from two nights or longer extended stays.
Two of Thrangu Rinpoche’s senior Khenpos, Khenpo Lobzang and Khenpo Jigme, are experienced qualified teachers at Vajra Vidya Retreat Center.
They offer instruction in personal meditation and various traditional practices, lead daily meditation practice and teach specialized courses in Buddhist philosophy, cultivating inner knowledge and applying skillful means to everyday life.

Beautiful Natural Surroundings
The Vajra Vidya Retreat Center is located in Crestone, Colorado, USA. This town reports a population of less than a thousand people but seems to have three or four times that number during the summer/fall seasons. Crestone is home to numerous spiritual training and service groups, Temples, Stupas, hiking trails, wildflowers, striking vistas and interesting people.
The Retreat Center, which is at 8,200 feet in elevation, is nestled in the protective base of five stunning 14 thousand-foot peaks of the Sangre de Cristo (blood of Christ) Mountain Range and faces the San Luis Valley.
Thrangu Rinpoche personally chose the location of Vajra Vidya Retreat Center specifically for it’s unique qualities. The geography of the San Luis Valley itself creates an unusual energetic container around Crestone which has historically been considered conducive for spiritual practice and renewal.
The immediate area is adjacent to the unique Great Sand Dunes National Park. Bold streams feed the vast aquifer beneath the valley and help sustain a variety of wildlife and flora. Three popular hot springs are located in the area. Across the valley the national wetlands sanctuary is home to the yearly winter migration of the Sandhill Cranes and numerous other birds.