Khenpo Jigme extends a warm invitation…
…to join us for a profund Vajrayogini Sadhana practice at the Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.
Vajrayogini, revered as the most important yidam in the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, is renowned for her efficacy in connecting practitioners to their Buddha Nature. Through her practice, we have the precious opportunity to awaken to our Buddha nature and to realize the ultimate nature of reality.
In this extended version of the Vajrayogini Sadhana, we utilize creation and completion practices as the means to connect with our Buddha Nature. The creation stage allows us to gain insight and realize our rupakaya, encompassing the nirmanakaya and sambhogakaya—the two "form kayas" of a Buddha. In the completion stage, we gain insight and bring into fruition our realization of the dharmakaya, which is the ultimate nature.
"...the actual Vajrayogini is an emanation of the dharmakaya; it is phenomena as they really are. We could refer to this as the Buddha's wisdom and think of this as the enlightened mind of the wisdom whom we have taken as our yidam. This is the primordially existing Vajrayogini and when we realize her as that, we have understood the actual Vajrayogini. The actual dharmakaya form of Vajrayogini is the very form of wisdom itself..." — Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, "The Kagyu Lineage Prayer of Pengar Jampal Zangpo"
Our Vajrayogini practice is imbued with boundless blessings passed from an unbroken lineage of enlightened beings, starting with Indian masters Tilopa and Naropa, through Tibetan masters Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa, down to our esteemed teacher, Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. We are incredibly fortunate to receive the Vajrayogini teachings from this pure and unbroken Kagyu lineage.
Through the practice of Vajrayogini, great tantric masters such as Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa, and Kyabjé Thrangu Rinpoche, along with numerous other accomplished yogis, attained the status of mahasiddhas. Similarly, through the practice of Vajrayogini, we all have the exceptional opportunity to bring into fruition our realization of the true nature of reality and to awaken as Buddhas.
"...there are many, many persons who have practiced Vajrayogini and by traversing the paths of this practice have become warriors - both heroes and heroines. If we supplicate the accomplished Vajrayogini practitioners, they will accompany us on our journey and help us..." — Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, "The Kagyu Lineage Prayer of Pengar Jampal Zangpo"
~May we attain omniscient Buddhahood for the benefit of all mother sentient beings~
This is a 4 full-day retreat with two sessions per day led by Khenpo Jigme from March 8th through March 11th.
Retreat Fee $600 (includes all sessions, lodging, 3 meals daily, and teacher's fee)
Commuter Fee $400 (includes all sessions, lunch, and teacher's fee)
Zoom Fee $125 suggested donation. Sliding scale is available as needed.
To register:
If you require accommodations, please call Karma Chöying at (719) 256-5539. Once your lodging reservation has been confirmed, please make a 50% deposit payment through the Donations tab at to complete your registration.
If you are a member of our local sangha or do not need accommodations, please send a 50% deposit through the Donations tab.
Please make sure to click on 'Add a note' and type 'Vajrayogini2024' with your name and phone number. We will then send an email confirmation back to you.
If you would like to send donations you can send your gift to us here at VVRC (using Donations tab at or send to the Nepal monastery at Your donation can be for the monks' or nuns' monastery.
Meals are vegetarian, with lunch being the main meal and dinner a lighter meal of soup and salad. All meals will provide Gluten Free and Vegan options. Coffee and tea and snacks will be served throughout the day.
Thank you for your practice, commitment, and how you are benefiting all sentient beings through your practice.
For any questions, please email or call at (719) 256-5539.